Ciria, A. (enviado). Metodología para el estudio de la semántica cimentada. En Z. Monroy-Nasr (Eds.), Enseñanza, Epistemología, Cognición y Representaciones Encarnadas. Ciudad de México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Marmolejo-Ramos, F., Gejada, J., Ciria, A., Cruz, F. & Cardona, J. (in press). Advancing Mechanistic Explanations through Natural and Artificial Embodied Cognitive Systems. Cognitive Neuroscience.
Forss, S., Ciria, A., Clark, F., Galusca, C., Harrison, D., & Lee, S. (2024). A Transdisciplinary View on Curiosity Beyond Linguistic Humans: Animals, Infants, and Artificial Intelligence. Biological Reviews.
Pardo, M., Ciria, A. & Lara, B. (2024). Emergence of altruistic behavior in heterogeneous populations of artificial agents. Adaptive Behavior, 32(1), 47-61.
Taniguchi, T., (Guest editors), Ognibene, D., Jamone, L., Ugur, E., Lanillos, P., Ciria, A., Suzuki, M., Murata, S., Nakata, Y., & Nakamura, T. (2023) Special issue on world models and predictive coding in robotics (Part II). Advanced Robotics, 37:19, 1211.
Ciria, A. & Lara, B. (2023). Mecanismo cognitivo fundacional: la minimización del error predictivo (Capítulo 8, p. 247-282). En R. Bernal-Gaboa y F. Cabrera (Eds.) Temas controversiales en comportamiento y cognición. Ciudad de México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. ISBN: 978-607-30-8495-6
Ciria, A., Albarracin, M., Miller, M., & Lara, B. (2023). Social Media Platforms: Trading with Prediction Error Minimization for your Attention. (preprint).
Ciria, A., Schillaci, G., Lara, B., Cross, E.S., & Cangelosi, A. (2023). Guest Editorial Special Issue on Prediction and Perception in Humans and Robots. In IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 15(3), 981-984. doi: 10.1109/TCDS.2023.3293669.
Angulo-Chavira, A., Castellón-Flores, M., Ciria, A. & Arias-Trejo, N. (2023). Sentence-final completion norms for 2925 Mexican Spanish sentence contexts. Behavior Research Methods.
Taniguchi, T., (Guest editors), Ognibene, D., Jamone, L., Ugur, E., Lanillos, P., Ciria, A., Suzuki, M., Murata, S., Nakata, Y., & Nakamura, T. (2023) Special issue on world models and predictive coding in robotics (Part I). Advanced Robotics, 37(13), 779.
Taniguchi, T., Murata, S., Suzuki, M., Ognibene, D., Lanillos, P., Ugur, E., Jamone, L., Nakamura, T., Ciria, A., Lara, B., & Pezzulo, G. (2023). World Models and Predictive Coding for Cognitive and Developmental Robotics: Frontiers and Challenges. Advanced Robotics, 37(13), 780-786.
Lara, B. & Ciria, A. (2023). Riesgos de la cognición extendida en la forma tecnológica de vida. En Más allá de las disciplinas. 1. Rompiendo fronteras (Vol.1, Cap 4. p. 67-78). DOI: 10.30973/2023/rompiendo-fronteras
Schillaci, G., Ciria, A., Falotico, E., Lara, B., & Laschi, C. (2023). Modulating Multi-Modal Integration in a Robot Forward Model for Sensory Enhancement and Self-Perception. Preprint.
Flores-Coronado, M. A., Ciria, A., & Lara, B. (2022). Multimodal integration as predictions. An explanation of the McGurk effect. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 44 (44). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13763.07207
Valenzo, D., Ciria, A., Schillaci, G. & Lara, B. (2022). Grounding Context in Embodied Cognitive Robotics. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 16.
Ciria, A., Schillaci, G., Pezzulo, G., Hafner, V. & Lara, B. (2021). Predictive Processing: A Cognitive Robotics Review. Neural Computation, 33(5), 1402–1432.
Santos, V. H., Pardo, M., Ciria, A., & Lara, B. (2020). Evolution of Basic Communication Strategies in Artificial Agents. International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics, 12(1), 29-41.
Schillaci, G., Ciria, A., & Lara, B. (2020). Tracking Emotions: Intrinsic Motivation Grounded on Multi-Level Prediction Error Dynamics. In 2020 Joint IEEE 10th International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/ICDL-EpiRob48136.2020.9278106
Ciria, A., López, F., & Lara, B. (2019). Perceived duration: the interplay of top-down attention and task-relevant information. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 490.
Lara, B., Astorga, D., Mendoza-Bock, E., Pardo, M., Escobar, E., & Ciria, A. (2018). Embodied cognitive robotics and the learning of sensorimotor schemes. Adaptive Behavior, 26(5), 225-238.
Lara, B., Ciria, A., Escobar, E., Gaona, W., Hermosillo, J. (2018). Cognitive Robotics: The New Challenges in Artificial Intelligence. In: Vergara Villegas, O., Nandayapa , M., Soto , I. (Eds.) Advanced Topics on Computer Vision, Control and Robotics in Mechatronics. Springer, Cham.
Valenzo, D., Astorga, D., Ciria, A., Lara, B. (2018). Learning in Biologically Inspired Neural Networks for Robot Control. In: Vergara Villegas, O., Nandayapa , M., Soto , I. (Eds.) Advanced Topics on Computer Vision, Control and Robotics in Mechatronics. Springer, Cham.